Specifications for the new ‘Voters Revenge’ app

I have broken up the app into a number of pieces. A final piece will be to integrate everything. I’ve not even begun the spec for a backend piece, that will be used to enter data for politicians, as well as provide an interface for admins (super_sheriff and sheriffs; maybe deputies, also) to assign admin status to others. I am tentatively planning to order this done with umbraco + Sql Server. On Day 1 (if we can call it that, since I’m not actually planning to do the final integration, myself) the slack-like message board will run off of a different server and database, entirely. So there needs to be some sort of OAuth service written.

The NOT DONE – SHARE – FE Reqs.pdf file is of a spec that has not been finally edited, or ordered. I haven’t yet placed an order for SHARE FE-DB Reqs, though I posted the project for bidders.

Note: the voters_revenge.bacpac file was the only thing that the developer who took up the SHARE FE – DB Reqs spec delivered. It does not have any test data, and uses lots of nchar types, instead of nvarchar types, as I had requested. A huge disappointment, considering what I paid for it….

Outsourcing Begun

I have switched to writing specs and outsourcing pieces of the application, so far just using fiverr.com. The first piece to be delivered will probably be a messaging board, similar to slack, which will have distinct presentations for posses, as well as for local posses. A local posse is a subset of a posse whose members (ideally) live very close to each other. Except for sheriffs and deputies, messaging is limited, since I want to encourage “action, action, action”, as Steve Bannon (of War Room Pandemic fame), likes to say. So, a key use for messaging boards will be for easily coordinating face-to-face, public facing actions and ‘mini-meetings’ by local posse members who live nearby.

I’ve also decided that the 3 main issues that posses can form over on the Day 1 proof of concept implementation, are as follows:

  • Vote Steal 2020
  • Medicare for All
  • Medical Tyranny

Vote Steal 2020 will mostly appeal to conservatives and Republicans, though that’s unfortunate, in my view. I spoke to a Bernie Sanders supporter (online) soon after Hillary Clinton ‘won’ the NY state primary, in 2016. He had been on the ground, and was adamant that Sanders had won, but was cheated. Later, exit polling was suspended for the California Democratic primary. Furthermore, in 2020, I’m suspicious that Mitch McConnel won, fairly. See this blog post, by Kevin Barrett. (Forgive the rude title.) Democrats have, in the past, shown sincere interest in honest elections. In particular, Rush Holt, who I heard address this issue maybe 15 years, ago, at Princeton University.

Medicare for All is of more concern to Democrats and progressives.

Medical Tyranny should be of equal concern to all Americans, in my opinion. What’s going on in Australia should be a wake-up call of what’s coming our way, if we don’t organize against it.

Having said this, these issues are present in the database, and whoever actually provides the Voter’s Revenge application could, and ultimately should, open it to more issues, especially trans-partisan ones. There will be admin capability to easily add issues.

Here is a wireframe of an updated version of the front page:

Updated – Posses Dealing with ‘Vote Steal 2020’