OK, so it’s just the home page. Nevertheless, it strikes me as a vast improvement over the boring, drill down GUI I originally came up with.
Home Page
Home Page – Expanded and Labeled
Home Page Components
a new tool for facilitating populist political muscle
OK, so it’s just the home page. Nevertheless, it strikes me as a vast improvement over the boring, drill down GUI I originally came up with.
Home Page
Home Page – Expanded and Labeled
Home Page Components
I rescued some of my Voter’s Revenge data from a dead computer, finding what I believe is the latest version of the software. I was thinking of publishing the code, but for now will still keep it private. The code is out of sync with the rescued data, which triggers some errors. Also, I haven’t kept up with the Facebook integration, which was an important aspect of the initial concept and implementation. However, given Facebook’s censoring/suppressing behavior, which went big time during the 2019 Presidential election, I now view Facebook integration as undesirable, and possibly odious.
My motivation was to possibly provide it as inspiration for others to generate an improved version, which would have been extremely useful since election day 2020, given the horrendous suppression of vote fraud that has occurred in the swing states. Given the short amount of time before the electoral votes are certified in Congress, it seems extraordinarily unlikely that a replacement can be created in the day or two it would have to be, in order to be useful in the current crisis.
Nevertheless, I will post screen shots and alert a few people. Maybe a rock star programmer will happen to notice, and do their thing.
Due to bugs appearing on the live internet site, I will content myself with just posting some screen shots, taken from my development computer. With the passage of time, I’ve come to view the fruits of my lone, somewhat rushed attempt as even uglier, more boring, and less intuitive than what I remembered. If I redo this website, it will probably be with the front end Javascript framework, vuejs, which I have been learning, of late. A re-write would more graphical, and more “target” centered (i.e., emphasizing politicians more, with their mugs and latest outrages emphasized, say with bullet points). There would also be enhancements with timeline information made more of a first class presentation facet, graphically presented.
Note: the code wasn’t written to handle the passing of the primary season in 2016, so I had to introduce some code trickery to make the application act like today’s date is 5/6/2016 (displayed in a red bar). Hence, the application would display some primaries as having already passed; and others are not having occurred, yet.
Screen Shots
Home Page
2016 CA House of Representative Races (before their primary)
Summary View of a Trump Posse
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